Welcome to my new blog
Bell’s Bridge, Glasgow
New year, new blog site. As part of rationalising my online presence I have migrated my main site to Andy McDonald Black and White Photos where I will regularly post new content, but will also be posting more descriptively here.
This photograph shows Bell’s Bridge in Glasgow, which is a footbridge across the Clyde around Pacific Quay. I took this photograph from the southern bank, close to the BBC building looking towards the SECC. If you look carefully you can see the OVO Hydro and SEC Armadillo in the background.
This bridge was built in the late 1980 as part of the Glasgow Garden Festival. The designers evoked butterfly wings with the design of the canopy, which I have chosen to emphasise in this photograph.
I took this photograph using a Laowa 15mm f/4.5 Shift lens on a Sony A7RII camera. This lens is the widest angle full-frame lens with shift capability. I had only had the lens a few weeks when I took this picture, but am pleased that it was one of three photographs featured in a Readers’ Best Buys article in the Christmas 2024 edition, it was also featured as a small image on the front cover.
See more of my pictures at my Gallery
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