Glasgow Science Centre IMAX
The Building
Designed by Building Design Partnership and opened in 2001 as part of the Science centre. The building is clad in Titanium, one of the first Titanium clad buildings in Britain, as well as being the first IMAX cinema in Scotland.
The Photograph
Although I have only processed this picture this week, I took this back in October during a short trip to Glasgow. Staying in the city centre, we took a short-ish Subway trip out to Govan and then had a pleasant walk to the Science Centre at Pacific Quay.
The main building is impressive, but the IMAX particularly caught my eye due to its barrel-like shape and Titanium cladding.
This picture is a single image taken with a Laowa 15mm f/4.5 Shift lens on a Sony A7RII.
See more of my pictures at my Gallery
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